Radio Interviews
Dr. Fetterman is invited to speak on radio programs across the country on topics ranging from evaluation to corporate philanthropy. Popular radio interviews have focused on his book, Empowerment Evaluation in the Digital Villages: Hewlett-Packard's $15 Million Race Toward Social Justice (Stanford University Press) and on his Op-ed piece, including those written for The Chronicle of Philanthropy.
The interviews are posted in podcast format on the radio stations sites. Information about the interviews is also posted on LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram, and Facebook.
A sample of radio stations include: CUTV News Radio, WKXL New Hampshire, WPHM Michigan, Business Matters, Money Matters Network, the Kathryn Zox Show, and WPFW Metro Watch in Washington, D.C. Selected radio interviews are posted below:
CUTV Radio Newscaster, Jim Masters, interviewed Dr. Fetterman. They spoke about empowerment evaluation, ethnography, and social justice.The conversation ranged from Dr. Fetterman's work with the United Nations and South Africa to Google and Stanford University's School of Medicine.
The topics included: empowerment evaluation as a gateway to growth in human potential, capacity, and self-determination; a tool to help you know if you are accomplishing your objectives.
The WKXL radio interview highlighted topics ranging from the social to the financial investments in Hewlett-Packard Digital Village communities.
The WPHM 10 minute radio interview was on a morning radio program. The interview with Dr. Fetterman highlighted key points about the Digital Villages and the empowerment evaluation approach used to drive the initiative.
This was an in-depth interview about the Empowerment Evaluation in the Digital Villages. It included a discussion about implications for philanthropists, nonprofits, and evaluators.
Stu Taylor has appeared on the Fox Business Network. He interviewed Dr. Fetterman about his new book Empowerment Evaluation in the Digital Villages. He highlighted the role of collaboration, capacity building, and outcomes or real world results.
Interview with Dr. David Fetterman
Kathryn Zox interviewed Dr. David Fetterman about his new book Empowerment Evaluation in the Digital Villages: Hewlett-Packard's $15 Million Race Toward Social Justice (Stanford University Press). The interview described the initiative and highlighted issues of resilience, self-determination, and improvement. Interviewed on the Kathryn Zox Show, "your social worker with a microphone," on VoiceAmerica and World Talk Radio.
Gloria Minott, host of WPFW FM in Washington, D.C., interviewed Dr. Fetterman about his article in The Chronicle of Philanthropy. The interview and article focused on steps nonprofits need to take in economically uncertain times. The focus is on knowing your mission, self-evaluation, and recognizing the life cycle nature of nonprofit services.
Hopeton Hay, host of KAZI FM in Houston, interviewed Dr. Fetterman about his new book Empowerment Evaluation in the Digital Villages: Hewlett-Packard's $15 Million Race Toward Social Justice (Stanford University Press). One of the topics highlighted during the interview was empowerment evaluation's ability to help identify common vested interests across ethnic groups enaged in a comprehensive community initiative, such as this one.
Vic McCarty, host of the Vic McCarty Show on WMKT-AM in Michigan, interviewd Dr. David Fetterman about his new book Empowerment Evaluation in the Digital Villages: Hewlett-Packard's $15 Million Race Toward Social Justice, published by Stanford University Press. The interview provided an honest assessment of what worked and what could have been done better concerning this comprehensive community initiative designed to help communities bridge the digital divide in communities of color. Dr. Fetterman also discussed the role of the critical friend and how this was more of a hand up than a hand out.
Interview with Dr. David Fetterman
This is an interview about empowerment evaluation and ethnography. Dr. Zara Larsen interviewed Dr. David Fetterman on KQTH-FM on August 3, 2013. The topics included: building capacity, helping people help themselves, being a critical friend, and sustainability. The interview focused on Dr. Fetterman's latest book: Empowerment Evaluation in the Digital Villages: Hewlett-Packard's $15 Million Race Toward Social Justice (Stanford University Press). [Dr. Larsen is from the Larsen Group - Architects of Change specializing in leadership, executive coaching, and career transition. They are at]
Empire Radio interviewed Dr. Fetterman about his firm. Fetterman & Associaties is an international evaluation consultation firm. Dr. Fetterman discussed some of his group's work ranging from work in squatter settlements in South Africa to high tech giants like Google and Hewlett-Packard. He discussed his motivations for much of his work, highlighting his mother, family, and colleagues. He also highlights domestic examples ranging from the Recovery Cafe (focusing on homeless and substance abuse populations) and their work in Arkansas helping to keep minority children and adults away from tobacco.